Removal of GraphQL API and edge caching (Redis) (October 1, 2022) These two features have been already deprecated. We are planning to deactivate them completely on November 1st. We recommend use of REST API to replace GraphQL API and Global databases instead of Edge caching.

Removal of strong consistency (Redis) (October 1, 2022) Upstash supported Strong Consistency mode for the single region databases. We decided to deprecate this feature because its effect on latency started to conflict with the performance expectations of Redis use cases. Moreover, we improved the consistency of replication to guarantee Read-Your-Writes consistency. Strong consistency will be disabled on existing databases on November 1st.

Redis pay-as-you-go usage cap (October 1, 2022)

We are increasing the max usage cap to $160 from $120 as of October 1st. This update is needed because of the increasing infrastructure cost due to replicating all databases to multiple instances. After your database exceeds the max usage cost, your database might be rate limited.

Replication is enabled (Sep 29, 2022)

All new and existing paid databases will be replicated to multiple replicas. Replication enables high availability in case of system and infrastructure failures. Starting from October 1st, we will gradually upgrade all databases without downtime. Free databases will stay single replica.

QStash Price Decrease (Sep 15, 2022)

The price is $1 per 100K requests.

Pulumi Provider is available (August 4, 2022)

QStash is released and announced (July 18, 2022)

Announcing Upstash CLI (May 16, 2022)

Introducing Redis 6 Compatibility (April 10, 2022)

Strong Consistency Deprecated (March 29, 2022)

We have deprecated Strong Consistency mode for Redis databases due to its performance impact. This will not be available for new databases. We are planning to disable it on existing databases before the end of 2023. The database owners will be notified via email.

Announcing Upstash Redis SDK v1.0.0 (March 14, 2022)

Support for Kafka (Nov 29, 2021)

Kafka Support is released. Check the the blog post.

Support for Google Cloud (June 8, 2021)

Google Cloud is available for Upstash Redis databases. We initially support US-Central-1 (Iowa) region. Check the get started guide.

Support for AWS Japan (March 1, 2021)


Support for AWS Tokyo Region was the most requested feature by our users. Now our users can create their database in AWS Asia Pacific (Tokyo) region (ap-northeast-1). In addition to Japan, Upstash is available in the regions us-west-1, us-east-1, eu-west-1.

Click here to start your database for free.

Click here to request new regions to be supported.

Vercel Integration (February 22, 2021)

Upstash&Vercel integration has been released. Now you are able to integrate Upstash to your project easily. We believe Upstash is the perfect database for your applications thanks to its:

  • Low latency data
  • Per request pricing
  • Durable storage
  • Ease of use

Below are the resources about the integration:

See how to guide.

See integration page.

See Roadmap Voting app as a showcase for the integration.

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