This quickstart uses django but you can easily adapt it to Flask, FastAPI or plain Python, see Vercel Python Templates.

Project Setup

Let’s create a new django application from Vercel’s template.

npx create-next-app vercel-django --example ""
cd vercel-django

Database Setup

Create a Redis database using Upstash Console or Upstash CLI and export UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL and UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN to your environment.


Environment Setup

Update requirements.txt to include upstash-redis.


We will create a Conda environment with python version 3.12 to match Vercel Python Runtime and avoid conflicts on deployment, you can use any other environment management system.

conda create --name vercel-django python=3.12
conda activate vercel-django
pip install -r requirements.txt

View Setup

Update /example/

from datetime import datetime

from django.http import HttpResponse

from upstash_redis import Redis

redis = Redis.from_env()

def index(request):
    count = redis.incr('counter')
    html = f'''
            <h1>Counter: { count }</h1p>
    return HttpResponse(html)

Run & Deploy

Run the app locally with python runserver, check http://localhost:8000/

Deploy your app with vercel

Set UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_URL and UPSTASH_REDIS_REST_TOKEN in your project’s Settings -> Environment Variables. Redeploy from Deployments tab.

You can also integrate your Vercel projects with Upstash using Vercel Integration module. Check this article.