Account and Usage:

  • What is the maximum number of indexes I can create in my account?

    You can create up to 10 indexes per account. For additional needs, please send us an email to

  • What is the maximum dimension I can set for my indexes?

    For the free tier, the maximum dimension can be 1536, for fixed and pay as you go tiers, this can be 3072, and for the pro tier, this can go up to 5376

  • How do you calculate the storage to be charged?

    Storage is a sum of vector storage and metadata storage. Vector storage depends on the number of dimensions and the number of vectors in that index. Each dimension is estimated to be 4 bytes, resulting in vector storage being calculated as vector count * dimension count * 4 bytes. For metadata storage, it is calculated based on the vector count in an index multiplied by the metadata size, which can be up to 48 Kbytes.

  • What happens when I exceed my Metadata Storage limit?

    Metadata Storage has a soft limit, and you will receive an email reminder to optimize your index for optimal performance if you approach this limit. The storage cost remains at $0.25 per GB. For enhanced performance, we recommend upgrading to Pro tier that meets your requirements, which includes incremental metadata storage

  • What happens when I exceed bandwidth limit of 200GB?

    When you exceed the 200GB monthly bandwidth limit, you will be charged at $0.03 per GB for the additional usage. The initial 200GB is provided free of charge.

  • If I upload my dataset for pay as you go tier and don’t have any read/write operation during the month, how much will I pay?

    You will only be charged for the storage of your index and metadata at a rate of $0.25 per GB. There are no hourly charges for having an index created on Upstash

  • How do you count Updates and Queries for billing purposes?

    We charge $0.40 per 100,000 operations, which includes ranges, queries, fetches, upserts and deletes, all counted equally. Ranges, Queries and Fetches are all categorized as query type of operation, whereas Upserts and Deletes are counted as updates. If upsert and delete operations involve multiple vectors at a time, the billable request count will be equal to number of vectors upserted or deleted at one request.

  • If an update/query return or insert multiple vectors at a time, will each vector be counted as separate operations or will that be counted as one operation for billing purposes?

    For the query type of operations, irrespective of the number of vectors involved in it, we count the operation as one and bill accordingly. For example, a fetch operation can return 10 vectors, and this will be counted only as 1 operation for billing purposes. However for update operations (upsert and delete), number of vectors involved in the operations is reflected as billable request count. For example a batch upsert of 1000 vectors is counted as 1000 billable request.

  • What is the maximum number of vectors I can have in an index?

    The maximum number of vectors in an index depends on the dimension size. Every plan has a max vector*dimension limit. For pay as you go tier, this limit is set at 2 billion. For instance, under this plan a user can have an index with a size of 5 million vectors and a vector dimension of 400. For details about the limits of each plan, check our pricing page.


  • Do you support hybrid search?

    We don’t support hybrid search at the moment. Although this is in our roadmap we still haven’t finalized the approach to help our users eliminate the need to have a secondary database for better search result. As we define our approach on implementing hybrid search and gather more user feedback, we will share this through our blog posts

  • Can I filter by metadata?

    Yes, see Metadata Filtering.

  • Do you support replication?

    Replication is not supported in the current release, but we are actively working on including it in our upcoming release.

  • If I do not specify a UUID during adding vectors, will Upstash Vector create one automatically?

    No, ID field is required and cannot be an empty string while inserting vectors to your index

Data Management:

  • How can I upload a large dataset quickly?

    You can perform batch inserts to upload datasets more efficiently. You don’t need a separate batch specific operation to insert multiple vectors. The ‘upsert’ operation accepts either a single vector or an array of vectors. We recommend using an array size of up to 1000 for efficient batch inserts. For more details, please refer to the documentation

  • How can I remove a metadata field from a vector?

    You need to run Upsert function on the same vector ID to remove existing metadata fields from a vector. Check our documentation on using Upsert,

Infrastructure and Availability:

  • Which cloud provider is Upstash Vector hosted on?

    Upstash is currently offered on AWS. We have plans to expand it to other cloud providers, please reach out to raise this request as this will help us prioritize accordingly.

  • In what regions is Upstash available?

    Upstash Vector is currently available in two regions; AWS us-east1 and AWS eu-west-1. We are in the process of expanding to more regions where other Upstash products are currently offered.

  • Should I be on AWS to be able to use Upstash Vector?

    No. Your client can be anywhere but the clients in AWS regions will give you better performance.

Feature Request and Upgrade:

  • How can I request a feature during this beta release?

    Please reach out to You can also raise your feature request through our chatbot, located at the bottom of Upstash page. The chatbot will guide you through the process of submitting your feature request.

  • How to upgrade from free tier to pay-as-you-go tier?

    To upgrade from the free tier to the pay-as-you-go tier, simply enter your credit card information. This will allow you to exceed the free tier limits, you will start to be charged only after you exceed free tier limits.