·5 min read

How I've built Envflow using Laravel & Upstash Redis

Jorge LapaJorge LapaSoftware Engineer @Upstash

I've recently been inspired by Nuno Maduro's project, Pyre. It is a web app that allows you to send short-lived secret messages to anyone you want. These messages are encrypted at rest, and only you or the person with whom you share the decryption link can read them.

I wanted to build something similar with Upstash Redis, so I chose a niche: sharing environment variables. I bet that at some point, you've had to share secrets with your teammates and wondered how to build a system that allows you to do it securely.

Introducing Envflow, a Laravel sample project I built that uses Upstash Redis as its primary database for storing and sharing encrypted data.

I'll take you through the process of building this project, from start to finish skipping over the boring details.

The Stack

First, I've chosen to embrace PHP and build the project using the famous TALL stack:


I needed a place to store encrypted data that could expire after a certain amount of time while being fast and cost-effective. As you might have guessed, I chose Upstash Redis.

Upstash Redis is a serverless, Redis-compatible database so it was actually perfect for this use-case.

Psst… We have a Getting Started guide for Upstash Redis and Laravel!

Find out more

Routes / Endpoints

Envflow runs on three main routes, plus an auxiliary route that explains what the project is about. Those routes can be found on the routes/web.php file.


The homepage route not only acts as a landing page for the project but also includes a Livewire Form that allows you to encrypt your environment variables. On this page you can set the amount of times the environment variables can be decrypted and for how long they will be valid.

Envflow homepage

You can find the Livewire Page Component on app/Livewire/EncryptEnvPage.php and the according template on resources/views/livewire/encrypt-env-page.blade.php.

Success Page

The success page is a simple page that displays two ways to share the decryption link: one includes the decryption key, while the other separates the decryption key from the link.

Envflow success page

You can find the Livewire Page Component on app/Livewire/SuccessPage.php and the according template on resources/views/livewire/success-page.blade.php.

Decryption Page

This page is where all the magic of decryption happens, remember we don't store the encryption key in our Upstash Redis database, we only store the encrypted value which is a bunch of giberish. The main job of the Decryption page is to take the decryption key and try to decrypt the environment variables.

Envflow decryption page

You can find the Livewire Page Component on app/Livewire/DecryptEnvPage.php and the according template on resources/views/livewire/decrypt-env-page.blade.php.


For this project I've used the Action/Executor pattern to organize the main components of business logic in my application. This allows me for future reusability, testability and maintainability when the code grows, it also allows me to share such behaviors between different parts of my application, let's say, a future API... Who knows?...

You can find the Actions on app/Actions but I would like to you the Encrypt and Decrypt actions since they are the main components that handle the encryption and decryption of the environment variables.


I was pretty lucky that Laravel has a built-in Encryption helper but I needed something a bit different since I wanted to provide a custom encryption key generated at runtime.

After some digging, I found a way! We can use Laravel's underlying class Illuminate\Encryption\Encrypter.

use Illuminate\Encryption\Encrypter;
$encrypter = new Encrypter(
  'custom-encryption-key', // this is the one we would want to generate
  config('app.cipher'), // we'll use Laravel default cipher
// Hooray! We can now encrypt our value
$encryptedValue = $encrypter->encryptString($value);

Okay... So we got encryption working, if you've been checking the files I've been sharing, you might have noticed that this code can be found on the Encrypt and Decrypt Actions.


We've covered how we use Actions and Laravel's native Encrypter class to Encrypt and Decrypt our values, but we've not yet covered how we store them in Upstash Redis.

That code lives on the StoreEnvFile Action.

I want to highlight a few things from that file, the following code.

// ...
RedisFacade::pipeline(function (Redis $pipe) use (...) {
    $options = ['EX' => $ttl]; // here is where we set the expiration time
    $pipe->set("envfile:$id", $encrypted->value, $options);
    $pipe->set("envfile:$id:shareLimit", $shareLimit, $options);
// ...

On the code above you can see a Redis pipeline being used, that will make sure that all the commands are executed in a single transaction. This is important because we don't want to store the encrypted value if the set commands fail.


For deployment I've used the recently released Laravel Cloud.

Deploying to Laravel Cloud was incredibly easy, it took me less than a minute to go from repository to a fully deployed app with an attached Redis instance and a provisioned domain. Even now, deployments take less than 30 seconds. 🚀

Laravel Cloud for Envflow

You can visit the deployed production environment at https://envflow.laravel.cloud.


I hope you've enjoyed this post and that it has helped you understand how I built Envflow.

I think there are a lot of applications that can use Upstash Redis as a primary database, even tho Redis here was used as a KV store it can do so much more than that and I'll make sure I will cover it in future artiles with another project that I'll be working on.

The source code for this project is available on GitHub, feel free to check it out and contribute if you have any ideas or suggestions (or find any bugs).