You can run the async code by importing AsyncQStash from qstash and awaiting the methods.

Messages are removed from the database shortly after they’re delivered, so you will not be able to retrieve a message after. This endpoint is intended to be used for accessing messages that are in the process of being delivered/retried.

Retrieve a message

from qstash import QStash

client = QStash("<QSTASH-TOKEN>")
msg = client.message.get("<msg-id>")

Cancel/delete a message

from qstash import QStash

client = QStash("<QSTASH-TOKEN>")

Cancel messages in bulk

Cancel many messages at once or cancel all messages

from qstash import QStash

client = QStash("<QSTASH-TOKEN>")

# cancel more than one message
client.message.cancel_many(["<msg-id-0>", "<msg-id-1>"])

# cancel all messages